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et al.

(2001), González and Hiraldo (1988), Castaño López

(2005), Mateo

et al.

(1999), Gonzalez (1991), Garcia and Viñuela

1999, Donázar

et al.



et al.

(2009) performed experiments on white-tailed

eagles in which iron nuts of various sizes were inserted into

carcasses or discarded viscera form which they fed. The eagles

always avoided ingesting nuts of 7.7 mm diameter or larger, but

ingested some of the nuts smaller than this (2.7 – 6.0 mm). For

the smallest size of nuts used in the experiment (2.7 mm), 80%

of the nuts presented were eaten. These nuts were considerably

larger than most of the fragments of ammunition-derived metal

seen in X-radiographs of deer carcasses and discarded viscera.


et al.

(2010) found that 83% by weight of the radio-dense

fragments they found in deer viscera had a diameter less than 1

mm and the largest fragment seen on the radiographs was only

slightly larger than the smallest nuts used in the experiment.

Hence, this experiment suggests that in a similar situation in

the wild, were fragments from lead ammunition to be present

in a carcass, many of these could be readily ingested whilst

scavenging on the remains of game animals.

Several methods exist to infer the origin of elevated tissue lead

concentrations and leadpoisoning inpredatory and scavenging

birds. The most detailed isotopic studies have been conducted

on California condors and they indicate that elevated lead

exposure in free-living condors is mostly consistent with lead

from ammunition rather than other sources (Church

et al.



et al

. 2010, 2012, Rideout

et al

. 2012). Departure of

blood lead isotope signature from the background pattern in

free-living birds increased progressively as the total blood lead

concentration increased, moving towards the isotopic signature

of lead ammunition and bullet fragments retrieved from lead

poisoned condors (Church

et al.

2006, Finkelstein

et al.


Isotopic analysis also illustrates that ammunition-derived lead

is the likely provenance of elevated tissue lead concentrations

in a number of Steller’s sea eagles and white-tailed eagles

in Hokkaido, Japan (Saito 2009 – with rifle ammunition

implicated). Legagneux

et al.

(2014) found that blood lead

concentrations in the raven, a scavenging species, increased

over the moose

Alces alces

hunting season in eastern Quebec,

Canada, and that birds with elevated blood lead levels had

isotopic signatures that tended towards those of ammunition.

Several other studies, including on red kites in England (Pain

et al.

2007) and white-tailed eagles in Sweden (Helander



2009) show isotopic signals consistent with ammunition

sources in birds with elevated tissue lead, although they do

not exclude all possible non-ammunition sources of lead.

Lead concentrations in the livers of a sample of red kites and


Accipiter nisus

found dead in Britain were not

elevated and lead isotope signatures were distinct from that

of leaded petrol, marginally overlapped with that for coal, and

overlapped more with those for lead ammunition (Walker

et al.

2012). The isotopic signatures in this study may reflect the fact

that liver concentrations were low and could have resulted from

multiple diffuse sources.

A number of studies of scavenging and predatory birds have

investigated the relationship between tissue (generally blood)

lead levels and spatial and temporal variation inexposure to food

contaminated with ammunition-derived lead. Green

et al.


showed that blood lead concentrations in California condors

tended to rise rapidly when satellite-tagged condors spent

time during the autumn deer-hunting season in areas with high

levels of deer hunting, but that visits to these same areas outside

the hunting season, and visits to other areas with low levels of

deer hunting at any time of year were not associated with rises

in blood lead levels. Craighead and Bedrosian (2008) found that

47% of blood samples in ravens in the USA collected during

the large game (mainly deer) hunting season had elevated

blood lead (>10 µg/dl), compared with 2% outside the hunting

season; these results were consistent with those of Legagneux

et al.

(2014) cited above. Kelly

et al.

(2011) compared blood lead

concentrations in golden eagles and turkey vultures



prior to and one year following implementation of a ban (in

2008) on the use of lead ammunition for most hunting activities

in the range of the California condor in California; lead exposure

in both species declined significantly after the ban. Similarly,


et al.

(1997) found that geometric mean blood lead levels

were 3-4 times higher in free-flying live-trapped western marsh

harriers during the hunting season in France than outside

the hunting season. Kelly and Johnson (2011) found that the

blood lead concentrations of turkey vultures in California were

significantly higher during the large game hunting season than

outside it. Gangoso

et al.

(2009) found that the geometric mean

concentration of lead in the blood of Egyptian vultures in the

Canary Islands was about four times higher during the hunting

season than outside it. While these studies show consistent

results, it is nonetheless worth noting that most studies which

contrast theblood leadconcentrationof birdswithinandoutside

the hunting season underestimate the underlying difference in

exposure to lead. This arises because blood lead remains high

for some time, often several weeks, after the ingestion of lead

has ceased. Consequently, some blood samples obtained in the

Lead poisoning of wildlife in the UK