(as they have larger body size), although they can ingest very
large numbers of gunshot (Newth
et al.
2012). As lead poisoning
was the diagnosed cause of death in a quarter of migratory
swans found dead (Newth
et al.
2012), overestimation in these
species seems unlikely. Had there been widespread compliance
with regulations banning the use of lead gunshot for shooting
wildfowl (and over certain wetlands) in England, this estimate,
based upon data from before the ban, might overestimate
the numbers affected currently. However, compliance with
English regulations banning the use of lead gunshot for
shooting wildfowl has been shown to be low (Cromie
et al.
2010, 2015) with some 70% or more of ducks shot in England
and purchased through game outlets being illegally shot with
lead ammunition. Hence, legal and illegal deposition of lead
gunshot in wetland and terrestrial wildfowl feeding habitats is
likely to have continued at broadly similar levels to the period
before the ban. Similarly, Newth
et al.
(2012) found that the
proportion of birds dying from lead poisoning in England did
not change significantly after the introduction of legislation.
For this reason the estimate of number affected is likely to be
approximately correct.
While there are various assumptions and uncertainties in this
calculation for wildfowl, we suggest that the true value is likely
to be in the high tens of thousands and probably lie within
the range 50,000-100,000 individuals. More precise estimates
cannot readily be made at this time.
Many more birds are likely to suffer welfare effects from lead
ingestion than die. If all wildfowl predicted to ingest gunshot
suffer welfare effects, this would result in about 15% (Table 5)
of birds,
c. 353,000 suffering welfare effects every winter (and
more throughout the year). We therefore estimate that 74,000 –
353,000 individual wildfowl suffer welfare effects every winter.
While it is possible to broadly estimate mortality from lead
poisoning, determining impacts at a population level is
not straightforward. This is especially the case for wildfowl
in the UK, as the majority are migratory and thus subject to
pressures across their ranges. The only reasonably robust way
of doing this is to model and compare alternative population
trajectories for a species based upon demographic rates
estimated when effects of ammunition-derived lead are
present and absent. The long-term and complicated nature of
collecting such information means that for most species, an
accurate assessment of the extent of mortality, and possible
population level effects from lead ingestion, whatever the
source, is currently not possible for most species.
it is legitimate to adopt a comparative approach to the detection
of effects of external drivers on population trends (Green 1995).
This involves comparing population trends across species or
populations with differing levels of exposure to ammunition-
derived lead. A negative correlation between population trend
and exposure may be suggestive of population-level effects. At
a European level, Mateo (2009) correlated population trends in
a set of 15 taxonomically similar European wildfowl species with
broadly comparable life-history characteristics with reported
prevalence levels of shot ingestion. There was a statistically
significant tendency for specieswithhigh levels of shot ingestion
to have more negative population trends than species with low
shot ingestion levels. As was pointed out by Mateo, correlation
is not causation and effects of some unidentified factor might
have led to a spurious correlation. Nonetheless, this analysis is
suggestive of an effect of lead contamination on population
trend and indicates that it is worth looking further at the effects
of lead, especially for species with high shot ingestion levels.
Less information is available for the UK on levels of gunshot
ingestion by terrestrial birds than by wildfowl and it would not
be appropriate to extrapolate levels of mortality in terrestrial
gamebirds from the studies on wildfowl.
However, data on the proportion of terrestrial birds with
ingested gunshot are available for several species in the UK,
hunter-shot red-legged partridge (1.4%, Butler 2005
), hunter-
shot pheasant (3%, Butler
et al.
2005) and grey partridge found
dead (4.5%average for adults and juveniles, Potts 2005), so order
of magnitude estimates of mortality can be made. To do this we
took breeding population estimates (fromMusgrove
et al.
of these species and the other most numerous gamebirds (red
grouse) potentially susceptible to gunshot ingestion and added
the numbers of pheasant and partridge raised in captivity
which are subsequently released for shooting each year (
million pheasants and 6.5 million partridges – released in 2004
(PACEC 2006)). To obtain numbers of individuals fromMusgrove
et al.
’s (2013) estimates, we doubled the numbers of territories of
red-legged and grey partridges. For pheasant, we assumed that
the ratio of males to females was 1:4.6 (after the shooting season
(Cramp and Simmons 1980)). We ignored the many young wild-
bred birds hatched in the previous breeding season that are
Deborah J. Pain, Ruth Cromie & Rhys E. Green