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and one buzzard (2% of species sample). Another one each of

these species had liver concentrations of 15-20 mg/kg dw. No

individuals of any other species had >15 mg/kg dw, although

some had elevated liver lead concentrations in the range of 6-15

mg/kg dw.


et al.

(2012, 2013) reported liver lead concentrations

for a sample of 30 carcasses of sparrowhawks collected in

Britain in 2010 and 30 in 2011. Although one sample had a

lead concentration of 12.6 mg/kg dw which is close to the

threshold for clinical effects, the concentrations in all of the

others were <2 mg/kg. It is unlikely that sparrowhawks will be

frequently exposed to lead gunshot in their prey; it is possible

that occasional exposure may occur in large females that could

feed on pigeons that have been shot and wounded but survive.

While some data are available as described above, the necessary

measurements of tissue lead concentration have not been

reported from sufficient numbers of carcasses of several species

potentially at risk to draw any reliable conclusions about the

proportion of predatory and scavenging birds dying from

lead poisoning in the UK. In particular, sufficient observations

are lacking for white-tailed eagle, golden eagle and western

marsh harrier. It should also be noted that the geographical

distribution within the UK of the locations from which carcasses

of scavenging and predatory birds were collected and sent for

analysis is likely to be atypical of the distribution of the species

as a whole for some of the species with potentially high risks

of exposure to ammunition-derived lead. In particular, the

collection of carcasses of buzzard, golden eagle and white-

tailed eagle from areas in which large numbers of red deer are

culled and viscera discarded is probably infrequent relative to

the proportion of the population of these species in such areas.

Carcasses are usually collected by members of the public, and

areas with high levels of culling of deer tend to be remote from

human populations.

There is strongevidence that a sometimes substantial proportion

of predatory and scavenging birds die from lead poisoning from

studies in North America and Europe (see earlier sections of

this paper). The small numbers of samples of raptor carcasses

collected from largely lowland England suggest that exposure

is likely in a small proportion of individuals of those species that

would be predicted to be at risk from their feeding ecology.

Studies on red kites show that risks may vary locally. There has

been little research in the UK on some of the potentially most

at risk species (


white-tailed and golden eagles, and marsh

harriers) and in those areas (


upland deer shooting areas and

coastal areas) where the risks are likely to be most significant.

However, source, pathway, receptor links clearly exists for these

species and further research is required.

Few studies have been conducted on the possible impacts of

ammunition derived lead in carnivorous mammals, but those

that have show little evidence for direct poisoning. Rogers



(2012) reported that blood lead levels of grizzly bears



in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, USA, were not

appreciably higher during the hunting season, despite the

presence of carcasses and discarded viscera of deer during the

hunting season. In addition, they found that lead concentrations

in blood and tissues of wolves

Canis lupus

and mountain lions

Puma concolor

in the region were low. Hence, in this region

there was no evidence that ingestion of lead from hunter-killed

carcasses or viscera was leading to the absorption of lead by

thesemammalian carnivores. Similarly, Millán

et al.

(2008) found

relatively low levels of lead in liver, muscle and bone in five

species of carnivorous mammals in Spain.




There appear to be substantial inter-specific differences in

the tolerance of invertebrates to lead of ammunition origin

in soils and water. At a cast-off shooting range in Finland,


et al.

(2006) found microbes and enchytraeid

worms to be negatively affected by the contamination while

soil-dwelling nematodes and microarthropods appeared

unaffected. Migliorini

et al.

(2004) found the abundance of

Collembola, Protura and Diplura to be positively correlated

with major detected contaminants (lead and antimony) in soils

from a clay pigeon shooting range, while Symphyla showed a

negative correlation with these pollutants. Concentrations of

lead in the saprophagous

Armadillidium sordidum


and the predatory

Ocypus olens

(Coleoptera) increased with

the soluble lead fraction in soil, showing that a significant

portion of metallic lead from spent pellets is bioavailable in

the soil and can be bioaccumulated by soil organisms. Reid

and Watson (2005) found soil levels of 6,410 +/- 2,250 and 296

+/- 98 mg(Pb)/kg dw, respectively at a clay-pigeon shooting

site soil and an un-shot control site. At 6.1 +/- 1.2 mg(Pb)/g dw,

shooting site body burdens of earthworms

Aporrectodea rosea

were almost 1,000 times higher than those from the control site

Deborah J. Pain, Ruth Cromie & Rhys E. Green