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for mallard of 3.6%, pintail

Anas acuta

5.4%, and pochard



9.3% in northern European wetlands. The majority of

studies summarised by Mateo (2009) appear to be of birds shot

by hunters, though in some cases trapped birds were included.

Studies conducted in the UK reported broadly similar levels of

gunshot ingestion to those elsewhere in Europe, although they

vary among sites and species (Table 3).

More recently, Newth

et al.

(2012) reported lead poisoning

in wildfowl (between 1971 and 2010) in the UK where the

majority of cases of birds dying of lead poisoning (75% of 251)

still had lead gunshot in various stages of dissolution in their

gizzards. The

post mortem

data used for this study revealed

a small number (13) of lead poisoned birds with >40 pellets

within the gizzard, three of which contained more than 100

pellets, including a Canada goose

Branta canadensis


gizzard contained 438 pellets, while Spray and Milne (1988)

reported a mute swan with 844 pellets. Species suffering lead

poisoning from ingested gunshot included those feeding in

water and wetlands, as well as grazing species including geese

and swans where a large proportion of time is spent feeding on

agricultural land (Newth

et al.

2012). Gunshot ingestion levels

in birds found dead from this paper and WWT’s database are

given in Table 3. Of a subset of 104 whooper swans diagnosed

as having died of lead poisoning, 86% contained shotgun

pellets in the gizzard.

More studies on lead poisoning have been conducted on

wildfowl than other taxa. However, where lead ingestion has

been investigated in other taxa that feed in areas shot-over using

lead gunshot it has generally been found. Table 4 summarises

some of the studies that illustrate gunshot ingestion in a range

of non-wildfowl waterbirds and in terrestrial birds. This is not

comprehensive but illustrative of the range of different birds

that can be affected.

Several methods have been used to estimate the proportion

of wild birds with ingested gunshot in the gizzard or digestive

tract and various biases may be associated with them. Hunter-

shot birds will be subject to the biases involved in hunting,


young birds are often over-represented in hunting bags.

Also ingestion of lead may remove many poisoned individuals

from a population (


lead-related morbidity and mortality) or

conversely lead ingestion may disable birds sufficiently to make

themmore likely tobeharvested (


Bellrose 1959, Heitmeyer



1993, Demendi and Petrie 2006). In field experiments Bellrose

(1959) found that mallard dosed with lead gunshot were more

vulnerable to being shot than undosed controls – by 1.5 times,

1.9 times and 2.1 times for birds dosed with one, two and four

No. 6 gunshot respectively. Trapping may potentially introduce

biases, but little informationexists. Ingestion levels inbirds found

dead may also be subject to confounding factors. Firstly, “found

dead”studies are biased towards those species most likely to be

visible to humans


large, white or close to human habitation.

The nature of lead poisoning as a debilitating condition may

make affected individuals more prone to disappearing into

vegetation and to scavenging and predation (Sanderson and

Bellrose 1986, Pain 1991). Moreover, gunshot may be ground

down or dissolved in the bird’s alimentary canal and thus not

be apparent on radiographs or at

post mortem


While proportions of birds found dead with ingested gunshot

in the gizzard may not accurately reflect the situation in the

wild population, finding gunshot in found dead birds obviously

illustrates the pathway of ingestion.

Despite these biases and confounding factors, any one or all

of these methods can be used to compare the prevalence of

ingestion across space and time. Studies from across the world

have shown that levels of gunshot ingestion are influenced by

factors including species’ feeding habits, gunshot density and

availability (influenced by substrate type and shooting intensity,

duration and season) and grit availability (


Bellrose 1959, Flint

1998, Mudge 1983, Thomas

et al.

2001, Demendi and Petrie 2006

– see also reviews cited above).

Several means can be used to establish or infer the provenance

of elevated tissue lead concentrations in birds. Ratios of stable


of the lead. Lead isotope ratios can therefore be compared

between animal tissue samples, lead from ammunition and the

other potential sources that exist in the area where the animal

lived and this can help to identify or exclude some potential

sources of the lead. Lead isotope studies have linked gunshot

ingestion with elevated tissue lead concentrations in a range

of wild birds in a number of studies from around the world.

These studies support ammunition-derived lead as the major

contributor to widespread elevated tissue lead concentrations

in wild birds (


Scheuhammer and Templeton 1998,


et al.

2003, Svanberg

et al.

2006, Martinez-Haro

et al.


Temporal or spatial correlations between elevated tissue lead

levels in birds and hunting activities can also help establish

the primary source(s) of lead exposure. Studies have compared

Deborah J. Pain, Ruth Cromie & Rhys E. Green