Lead Shot inWetland Areas Steering Group
Lead inWaterfowl
Working Group
Statutory responses
April-May: Public consultation on potential
legislation in Great Britain (DETR 1999).
The Environmental Protection (Restriction on
Use of Lead Shot) (England) Regulations 1999
(from 1 September 1999) (HMSO 1999).
The Environmental Protection (Restriction on
Use of Lead Shot) (England) (Amendment)
Regulations 2002
(from 1 September 2002)
(HMSO 2002a).
Environment Protection (Restrictions on
Use of Lead Shot) (England) (Amendment)
Regulations 2003
(from 31 October 2003)
(HMSO 2003).
Public consultation followed by
Environmental Protection (Restriction on Use
of Lead Shot) (Wales) Regulations 2002
(from 1
September 2002)(HMSO 2002b).
Public consultation followed by
Environmental Protection (Restriction on Use
of Lead Shot) (Scotland) Regulations 2004
(never came into force) (HMSO 2004a).
The Environmental Protection (Restriction on
Use of Lead Shot) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations
(from 31 March 2005) (HMSO 2004b).
The Environmental Protection (Restriction
on Use of Lead Shot) (Scotland) Amendment
Regulations 2013
(from 31 January 2014)
(HMSO 2013) .
Northern Ireland:
Public consultation followed by
Environmental Protection (Restriction on Use
of Lead Shot) Regulations (Northern Ireland)
(from 1 September 2009) (HMSO 2009).
The Lead Shot inWetland Areas Steering Group involved:
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC: Chair and Joint Secretariat); Department of the
Environment (DoE)/Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (Joint Secretariat); Agricultural Development and Advisory Service; AFEMS (European
Sporting Ammunition Manufacturers Association); British Proof Authority; British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC); British Field Sports Society; Central
Science Laboratories, Clay Pigeon Shooters Association; Country Landowners Association; DEVA; Eley Hawk Ltd.; English Nature; Environment and Heritage Service of
the Department of the Environment Northern Ireland; Environment Agency; FACE (Federation of Hunting Associations of the EEC); Game Conservancy Trust; Gamebore
Cartridge Co.; Gunmark Ltd.; Gun Trade Association; Kent Cartridge Co.; Home Grown Timber Growers Advisory Committee; Home Office Forensic Laboratory; Hull
Cartridge Co.; IWRB; London Proof House; Ministry of Defence; Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; National Farmers Union; National Rivers Authority; National
Trust; Royal Military College of Science; Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; Scottish Association for Country
Sports; Scottish Natural Heritage; Scottish Office Environment Department; Shooting Sports Trust (SST); Taylored Shot; The Proof Houses; Timber Growers Association;
Tour du Valet; UK Loaders Association; University College London; Welsh Office; Wildfowl &Wetlands Trust (WWT).
The Lead inWaterfowl Working Group comprised:
DoE (Chair and Joint Secretariat); JNCC (Joint Secretariat); BASC (representing shooting interests; Gamebore
Cartridge Co. (representing cartridge manufacturers); Gun Trade Association (representing the gun trade); London Proof House (the British Proof Authority); SST
(representing gun manufacturing interests); WWT (representing conservation interests). Other joined as invited participants according to the agenda.
Regulation of some sources of lead poisoning