African-Eurasian MigratoryWaterbirds Agreement
2002 – Second Meeting of Parties –
Resolution 2.2 (AEWA 2002)
“implementation of … still highly insufficient
in the majority of Range States”
“report to each MoP on progress … in
accordance with self-imposed and published
timetables” .
Target changed from 2000 (by then already
passed) to ‘self-imposed timescales’ in each Party.
2008 – Fourth Meeting of Parties
- AEWA Strategic Plan 2009-2017
(AEWA 2008)
By 2017 the use of lead shot for hunting in
wetlands is phased out by all Contracting
Target year re-instated – now 2017
2012 – Fifth Meeting of Parties –
Resolution 5.23 (AEWA 2012)
Implement Targets for Strategic Plan Objective 2:
2.1 By 2017 the use of lead shot for hunting in
wetlands is phased out by all Contracting Parties,
Parties should:
• Evaluate the effectiveness of national measures
already taken to phase out the use of lead
shot and to phase in non-toxic alternatives in
wetlands; and
• Engage with all relevant stakeholders,
inter alia
hunters and the manufacturing
industry, to understand and address barriers
to implementation; and to establish and
implement joint communication strategies, ...
European Union Directive on the conservation of wild birds
2004 – 25th anniversary conference
of the Birds Directive (Council of the
European Union 2004)
“Aim to phase of the use of lead shot in
wetlands as soon as possible and ultimately
by 2009.”
Subsequent debates in the Directive’s ‘Ornis
Convention on Migratory Species
2014 – Eleventh Conference of the
Parties – Resolution 11.15 (UNEP-
CMS 2014a, 2014b)
“Phase-out the use of lead ammunition
across all habitats (wetland and terrestrial)
with non-toxic alternatives within the next
three years with Parties reporting to CMS
COP12 in 2017, working with stakeholders on
“Phase-out the use of lead fishing weights
in areas [high risk areas and replace] with
non-toxic alternatives, within the next three
years with Parties reporting to CMS COP12 in
2017, …”
Regulation of some sources of lead poisoning