Lead Shot inWetland Areas Steering Group
Lead inWaterfowl
Working Group
Statutory responses
1995 October: fifth meeting receives annual report
March, June, August &
December: WG meetings
February, March & July:
meetings of Public
Relations sub-group
to develop outreach
materials for voluntary
Scottish Natural Heritage and Countryside
Council for Wales (CCW) agree
• To encourage use of non-toxic shot during
the two year voluntary phase-out period, but
require from September 1997 the use of non-
toxic shot as a condition of permits to shoot on
all wetland NNRs.
• Staff requirement to use non-toxic shot from
September 1995.
• Restriction of lead-shot use on SSSI
Potentially Damaging Operation lists for all
wetland SSSIs notified or re-notified after
September 1997.
Start of two year voluntary phase-out (1995/6
& 1996/7 shooting seasons):
“After September
1995 shooters are encouraged not to use lead
in 12-bores where it would pose a threat to
1996 October: sixth meeting receives annual report
February, July &
December: WG meetings.
UCL reports on ballistics
facility (Giblin &
Compton 1996)
January & April:
meetings of Public
Relations sub-group
to develop outreach
materials for voluntary
Second year of voluntary phase-out period.
1997 June: seventh meeting. Proposes that
voluntary phase-out should continue for a
further year (1997/8 shooting season).
February & June: WG
“After September 1997, an effective ban on the use
of lead in wetland areas is sought.”
Following consultation with interested parties
(March-April), in August Ministers determine
that voluntary phase-out will be extended for a
further (third) year
July: EN issue guidance note to staff on phasing
out lead shot cartridges
August: CCW require lead-free cartridges for
shooting on NNRs
December: UK government
“are considering the
best legislative options to prohibit the use of lead
shot over wetlands in the United Kingdom.”
Hansard, 18 December, col. WA 109)
1998 March: eight meeting cancelled in light of
active work by government to prepare draft
legislation (DETR 1999); annual meetings
March: WG suspended
by DETR.
Exploration of options within government.
Lords Hansard, 18 December, col. WA 109
http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld199798/ldhansrd/vo971218/text/71218w03.htmDavid A. Stroud