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et al.

(2004) found that lead contamination of the

meat of seabirds killed using lead shot occurred even though

shot was removed after cooking. Pain

et al.

(2010) found a

mean lead concentration of 1.181 mg/kg in meals prepared

from 121 wild-shot gamebirds of six species, with no significant

variation among species. Lead concentrations in the meals

were statistically related to both the number of shotgun pellets

and large fragments of lead removed before chemical analysis,

and the number of small radio-dense fragments, detected by

X-radiography of the gamebirds, which could not readily be

removed. High concentrations of lead occurred in some meals

prepared frombirds inwhichnowhole pellets or large fragments

were apparent on X-rays. The only plausible mechanism for this

is that lead particles remain in the meat after the removal of

whole shot and large fragments.

An arithmetic mean concentration of 0.414 mg/kg (414 ppb)

was found in twelve samples of pheasant meat purchased in the

UK and reported in FSA (2007).

Many other data on concentrations of lead in game meat are

summarised in EFSA (2010), but it is not clear whether or not

visible shot and bullet fragments had been removed prior to


To protect human health, the European Commission sets

maximum levels (MLs) for contaminants, including lead, inmany

foods (Commission Regulation 1881/2006)(EC 2006). The ML for

lead in non-game meat (excluding offal) is 0.1 mg/kg, but no ML

has been set for game meat. The results presented above show

that lead concentrations in the meat of wild game animals shot

with lead ammunition and eaten by humans are often one or

two orders of magnitude higher than the non-game meat ML.

Bioavailability of

ammunition-derived lead

present in game meat and the

effect of its ingestion on blood

lead concentration

As described above, both lead shot and lead bullets fragment

when fired into quarry animals and produce pieces of lead of a

wide range of sizes which are embedded in the tissues. Some of

these are at a considerable distance from the wound and remain

after butchery and food preparation. Several studies indicate

elevation in the concentration of lead in the blood (B-Pb) of

people who eat game animals killed using lead ammunition,

which indicates that some ingested ammunition-derived lead

is absorbed (Bjerregaard

et al.

2004, Johansen

et al.

2006, Iqbal

2009, Dewailly

et al.

2001, Bjermo

et al.

2013, Meltzer

et al.

2013, Knutsen

et al.

2015). Analysis of stable isotope ratios of

lead in blood samples indicates that exposure to ammunition-

derived lead is the main cause of elevated blood lead (B-Pb) in

indigenous people in Canada (Tsuji

et al.



et al.

(2009) performed an experiment on pigs to assess

whether their B-Pb increased when they were fed on minced

meat from deer shot with lead-based bullets. Statistically

significant increases in their B-Pb were observed compared

with controls fed on meat that contained no fragments. Mean

blood lead concentrations in pigs peaked at 2.29 μg/dl two days

following first ingestion of fragment-containing venison, which

was 3.6 times higher than that of controls (0.63 μg/dl). Isotope

ratios of lead in the meat matched those of the lead in the

bullets used to shoot the deer, supporting the contention that

the absorption by the pigs was of dietary lead derived from the


These findings indicate that B-Pb of humans tends to increase

in association with consumption of game meat containing

ammunition-derived lead due to absorption of ammunition-

derived lead from the alimentary canal. However, without

further analysis, they do not indicate what proportion of the

ammunition-derived lead ingested is absorbed or how much

B-Pbisincreasedperunitofdietaryleadingested. Suchestimates

require either

in vitro

gastrointestinal simulation experiments

which attempt to simulate conditions in the human alimentary

canal or empirical studies in which both the intake of lead and

the elevation of B-Pb are measured.

The absolute bioavailability of dietary lead derived from

ammunition (the proportion of the ingested amount which

is absorbed and enters the blood) might be expected to be

lower than that of lead in the general diet because some of the

ingested ammunition lead may remain as metallic fragments

after cooking and processing in the alimentary canal. Metallic

lead, especially that remaining in large fragments, may not be

totally dissolved nor be absorbed in the intestine as readily as

more soluble lead salts and complexes (Barltrop and Meek 1975,


et al.



et al.

(2011) used cookedmeat frompartridges killed with

UK human health risks from ammunition-derived lead