Professor Richard J. Delahay PhD
University of Exeter, UK
Professor Chris J. Spray MBE, FRSA, MA, PhD
University of Dundee, UK
Chairs and convenors
Lord John Krebs Kt, MA, DPhil, FRS, FMedSci, Hon DSc
The University of Oxford, UK
Professor Colin Galbraith
Independent Consultant, UK
Professor Ian Newton OBE, FRS, FRSE
Professor Chris Perrins LVO, FRS
The University of Oxford, UK
Presenters/first authors
Dr. Ruth L. Cromie
Wildfowl &Wetlands Trust, UK
Professor Rhys E. Green
University of Cambridge & RSPB, UK
Carl Gremse
Freie Universtät Berlin, Germany
Dr. Niels Kanstrup
Private consultant for the Danish Academy of Hunting, Denmark
Dr. Helle K. Knutsen
Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway
Dr. Deborah J. Pain
Wildfowl &Wetlands Trust, UK
David A. Stroud MBE
Joint Nature Conservation Committee, UK
Professor Vernon G. Thomas
University of Guelph, Canada
Tim Jones
Independent Consultant, UK