Prof. Rhys Green
Professor Rhys Green gained a BA in Zoology and a PhD in Applied Biology from the University of Cambridge where he has been Professor of Conservation Science in the Zoology Department since 2006. After completing his PhD he worked for the Game Conservancy for four years on the ecology of grey and red-legged partridges, subsequently joining the RSPB as a research biologist in 1982. He became RSPB’s Principal Research Biologist in 1993, a role that he retains to date. Rhys has worked on a wide variety of research topics, from the effects of climate change on geographical range and population processes, to the development of techniques for practical habitat management and the manipulation of demographic rates of threatened birds. More recently his research has included the effects of veterinary pharmaceuticals on population processes in birds and the effects of contamination from spent lead ammunition on wildlife and human health. Rhys sits on the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) Scientific Advisory Group. He has been awarded the Marsh Award for Conservation Biology (1997), the Tucker Medal by the British Trust for Ornithology for outstanding services to its scientific work (2000) and the Godman-Salvin Medal by the British Ornithologists Union as a signal honour for distinguished ornithological work (2009). He is currently on the editorial boards of five peer-reviewed journals and has more than 200 scientific publications, of which 18 recent peer-reviewed publications cover environmental contaminants, including lead.